software licensing audit (2)

4 Steps To Defend Software Licensing Audit

Each organization takes the licensed copies of the software for multiple logging and provides them to employees with a guideline for following the regulations of the software. But to ensure the same licensor carries out a Software Licensing Audit whe...

Boergerconsulting · 28 October 2022 · 86

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Itam Coach?

An ITAM coach can help by training your team in IT assets management. ITAM coaches provide training related to various aspects of ITAM, from Software Licensing Audit to a lot of others. There are some qualities that must be present in an ITAM coach for them to be considered worthy. If the ITAM coach you choose has these qualities, you can...

Boergerconsulting · 19 January 2023 · 4